
PPHF’s Malaria Screening and Awareness Camps in Rajasthan

As part of the #sbisanjeevani #cliniconwheels initiative, People to People Health Foundation (PPHF), in collaboration with the SBI Foundation and SBI Securities, organized ‘#malariascreening and #awarenesscamps’ in the last week of November in Kishanganj and Shahabad blocks of Baran, Rajasthan. These camps reached 12 villages and educated 507 beneficiaries through #seminars, #workshops, and #StreetPlays. The initiative aimed to #raiseawareness about #malaria, its #prevention, and the importance of #earlyscreening, #EmpoweringCommunities with the knowledge to protect themselves and their families. We strive together to build #healthier and more #informedcommunities.

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