Swasthya Mela as part of Project PRANAA organised

Project PRANAA’s Swasthya Mela: A Community Health Success in Mullahera, Gurugram

People to People Health Foundation – Asia’s Swasthya Mela under Project PRANAA, supported by Innovaccer, the Health Department of Haryana, UPHC Mullahera, and with mobilization support from Sosva, was a resounding success! Over 200 community members, including adolescents, joined us at the Community Center in Mullahera, Gurugram.

Attendees received a range of essential healthcare services, completely free of charge. The event offered eye and dental checkups, consultations with gynecologists, blood pressure and diabetes screenings, general checkups, nutrition counseling, and medicines. Additionally, awareness was raised through a street play. Some participants were referred for further tests and examinations.


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