Program Details:

  • PPHF in partnership with GE Healthcare has Implemented “SCREEN” – Strengthen Capacity to Reach Everyone for Effective Screening to Prevent NCDs  launched in 2018 aiming at integrated prevention and early detection of NCDs like diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and common cancers to contribute towards the national goal of reducing morbidity and mortality due to NCDs. Project SCREEN adopts a three-pillar approach to implement the package of interventions based on: 1) capacity building of health teams and primary care physicians;2) community awareness call to action drive for screening; and 3) advocacy for scaling up. Project has been implemented in in partnership with 5 State Governments (Karnataka, Punjab, Haryana, Maharashtra & Jharkhand) across 35 districts, out of which 13 are aspirational districts under PMJAY.

Success Indicators:

  • Increased screening for NCDs
  • Increased NCD fund utilization & allocation
  • Increased follow-up for NCDs
  • Increased referral of complicated NCD cases in a timely manner


Major Outcomes:

  • The screening data is being reported in the State HMIS.
  • Increase fund allocations for NCD screening and trainings within the State PIP.
  • Multiple health centers selected under SCREEN have already been upgraded to Health and Wellness centers under the promising scheme of Ayushman Bharat.
  • Developed a comprehensive capacity building and community mobilization package (NCD Toolkit) and scaled It at the State level.

SCREEN Impact:

  • Project has capacitated approximately 4770 Government healthcare providers
  • Screened around 45,406 people through 755 NCD screening camps. The screening data is being reported in the State HMIS.
  • The project has also been able to mobilize funds and Increase fund allocations for NCD screening and trainings within the State PIP.
  • Multiple health centers selected under SCREEN have already been upgraded to Health and Wellness centers under the promising scheme of Ayushman Bharat.
  • SCREEN has backed up with multiple acknowledgement letters from district and state Government.
  • The SCREEN’s formative assessment report and policy brief were released by the Honorable Minister, Mr. Ashwini Kumar Choubey which demonstrates the political commitment towards the Initiative.
  • SCREEN has developed a comprehensive capacity building and community mobilization package (NCD Toolkit) and scaled It at the State level.
  • Indirectly, the project has been able to create awareness amongst as many as 181,624 people till date.

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