Collaboration with State of Maharashtra – NCDs

Collaboration with State of Maharashtra – NCDs

Key Data

Beneficiary Group: 701 Medical officers and allied health professionals trained

Geography: 17 districts of Maharashtra

Methodology Planned: The assessments will be done by specialized third party research agency in partnership with AIIMs, ICMR and other technical organizations. The findings will be disseminated with help of a national level workshop wherein key technical stakeholders from NCD will be invited. An exploratory approach will be used to identify themes associated with the research question. We will use qualitative research methods i.e., in-depth interviews (IDIs)and non-formal interactions (NFI) with key informants and stakeholders besides reviewing secondary information already available through project reports and system records with PPHF and program sources. Kolhapur, Ratnagiri, Nanded, Akola and Thane districts have been chosen for conducting the assessment to represent all, south, east, west and north Maharashtra. Participants (MOs) for the data collection will be identified through stratified random selection of the health facility and then from among the pool of personnel therein who have undergone the PPHF training. All interviews with system- based stakeholders will be undertaken with prior appointment. However, if any appointment is cancelled, we will undertake convenience selection of the participant in the best interest of time. For the NFI (exit interviews) with care seekers of NPCDCS, identification of the participant will be done on the spot. Moving forward, the training impact assessment will be rolled out followed by a dissemination workshop.

Program Details: With the growing burden of NCDs, it is not plainly important to strengthen the health system. It is also important that the community understand the gravity of NCDs, seek local solutions, and educate each other to prevent a potentially catastrophic impact on their quality of life. Within this context, transformational thinking is required for the successful planning and execution of population-based screening, effective program actions, and policy dialogue.

With support from Anchal Charitable Trust, PPHF and Sanofi SAATH 7 in collaboration with Government of Maharashtra Public Health Department, are helping to strengthen the capacity and skills of the health workforce in the state of Maharashtra. Together, we are providing capacity building on prevention and management of NCDs to MOs and nurses.

Major Outcomes:

  • Ready standardized curriculum on NCDs for training MOs and AHPs for replication across 17 districts
  • Improved skilled of medical officers and allied health professionals under NPCDCS program

Success Indicators:

  • Initially the trainings were imparted in 11 Districts but seeing the training report and quality of services delivered by the trained staff; State requested to further replicate the trainings in additional 6 districts
  • Increased turn over for NCD screening due to the better community level counselling’s done by the trained Staff (verbal & observational finding, assessment is yet to be undertaken)
  • Trained total 701 allied health-care professionals and MOs in total 17 districts of Maharashtra on the prevention and management of NCDs with special focus on building their soft skills
  • Trainings in five districts namely Amaravathi, Nandurbar, Nanded, Ratnagiri, Sindhudurg were conducted.
  • An impact assessment of training of MOs in Maharashtra was conducted to assess how the PPHF training of the MOs has helped their day-to-day performance at managing the (care seekers) patients under NPCDCS and PBS and in realizing their overall role under NPCDCS program implementation. This will help us to further strengthen the methodology, tools, content and approaches for future trainings.